Delivery Worldwide


Age Action Ireland - To achieve fundamental change in the lives of all older people by empowering them to live full lives as actively engaged citizens and to secure their rights to comprehensive high quality services according to their changing needs

Aids Care Education and Training – caring for and supporting individuals and families affected by HIV / AIDS and related issues.

Aiseiri – Addicton Treatment Centres Ireland  Located in Cahir, Co. Tipperary it provides quality treatment in a therapeutic environment, for alcoholics, other chemically dependent people and gamblers. 

Alzheimer Society of Ireland The leading dementia specific service provider in Ireland. Founded in 1982 by a small group of people who were caring for a family member with Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia. Today, it is a national voluntary organisation with an extensive national network of branches, regional offices and services that aims to provide people with all forms of dementia, their families and carers with the necessary support to maximise their quality of life. 

Anam Cara - Parental & Sibling Bereavement Support. Formed to address the needs of bereaved parents and families. This service is for any parent who has lost a child, no matter what age that child is (including an adult child) and regardless of how recent the loss is.  If you want to remember that child and feel comfortable talking about them Anam Cara will provide the forum. If you just want to know that you are not alone, Anam Cara will give you access to other bereaved parents, resources and self help ideas.

ARC Cancer Support Centre a registered charity based in 65, Eccles Street, Dublin 7. Tel (01) 8307333, caring for people diagnosed with cancer, their family and friends. All our services are free of charge to those who attend. The support is holistic and complements primary medical treatment with educational and psychological care. 

Aware - is a voluntary organisation formed in 1985 by a group of interested patients, relatives and mental health professionals, whose aims are to assist that section of the population whose lives are directly affected by depression.

Barnardos – Ireland’s largest children’s charity. Sólás is a counselling service offered by Barnardos, for children who have lost someone close to them.

Bereavement Counselling Service - offers support and counselling to enable people deal with their grief. This applies not only to those directly bereaved through death, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion etc., but also to those whose lives are affected by the losses of those near to them. 

Bóthar - enables families and communities in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Middle East to overcome hunger and poverty and to restore the environment in a sustainable way.  To do this, Bóthar provides many varieties of farm animals and supports related training and community development.  Projects grow through the passing on of offspring from family to family.

Brain Research – focuses on research and teaching of central nervous system disorders in order to realise real benefits for sufferers of neurological illness, their families and carers. Areas of research include Brain Tumour, Epilepsy, Stroke, Head Injury, Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Motor Neurone Disease and Schizophrenia.

Brainwave The Irish Epilepsy Association - The national organisation committed to working for, and meeting the needs of everyone with Epilepsy in Ireland and their families and carers. The Association offers information and support to people affected by epilepsy, raises awareness of epilepsy, supports research and represents the needs of people with epilepsy at national and international levels. Brainwave is based in Dublin and has 9 regional offices across the country.

Bubblegum Club - The Bubble Gum Club was set up in 1994, to look after children with life threatening illnesses and children in crisis. They bring a little fun into the lives of these children and give parents and carers a short break from their 24hour caring responsibilities.

Camphill Communities - Are life-sharing communities creating a comprehensive, therapeutic and supportive environment where people with special needs can live and make their home together with volunteers and voluntary helpers.

Care Local - voluntary members visit older people living alone in Dublin. We assist in whatever way we can to enable them to enjoy a better quality of life. 

Carers Association - The Carers Association is Ireland's national voluntary organisation for family carers in the home. Family carers provide high levels of care to a range of people including frail older people, people with severe disabilities, the terminally ill and children with special needs.

CARI - providing a professional, child centred therapy and counselling service to children, families, and groups who have been affected by child sexual abuse.

Cheeverstown - provides care support services to over 400 hundred children and adults with mental handicap. We provide both day and residential care together with education, employment and community services to both children and adults.

Chernobyl Children's Project International (CCPI) – an organisation with United Nations NGO status, restores hope, alleviates suffering and protects current and future generations in the Chernobyl regions, by passionately advocating the rights of all of those affected. In partnership with indigenous organisations, CCPI develops programmes to reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods of current and future generations of Chernobyl’s children. Our main programme areas include our Medical Care Programme, Day Care Centre Development, De-institutionalisation Programme, Rest & Recuperation Programme and Building & Construction Programme.

Comber is an Irish charity which has worked in orphanages in Romania since 1990. Comber is now working with the Romanian Government to drive the closure of institutions for children and adults with disabilities and to provide alternative homes in the community.

Community Foundation for Ireland (CFI) offers people the opportunity to establish their own charitable fund with expert support from our staff. People can also give money to their local area or to a cause or issue they care about through The Foundation. CFI – Connecting people who care with causes that matter. 

Concern – works with the poorest people in the developing world to enable them to achieve major sustainable improvements in their lifestyles.

Console - is a Registered Charity supporting and helping people bereaved through suicide. We respect each individual’s unique journey through the grieving process following their tragic loss. Console promotes positive mental health within the community in an effort to reduce the high number of attempted suicides and deaths through suicide.

Croí - a charity dedicated to pursuing and attaining the highest level of Cardiovascular Health Care for the people of the West of Ireland. Since 1985 we have funded and implemented a wide range of initiatives to improve Cardiac Services and Facilities in the region. We depend entirely on voluntary effort and support. With your support we can continue to save lives!

Fighting Blindness is investigating every avenue where a realistic chance of finding a therapy or cure for blindness exists. Currently we fund research projects in 6 leading centres around Ireland.  Fighting Blindness is totally committed to finding treatments and cures for all forms of blindness and related sensory loss through the promotion of research, to supporting those who are affected by degenerative blinding conditions and to providing information to all interested parties. 

Fight For Sight - an Irish charity devoted to the prevention of Sight Loss. We aim to save sight by increasing public awareness of everyday risks and by raising money for research into eye disease and to purchase eye equipment for our hospitals.

Focus Ireland - a leading national housing and homeless charity working to combat and prevent homelessness through the provision of quality services, supported housing and advocacy. Focus Ireland believes that everyone has a right to a place called home which is safe, secure and appropriate to their needs. In 2007 Focus Ireland worked with over 5,000 men, women and children who were homeless, or at risk of homelessness.

Friends Of Leukaemia Patients Cork is an entirely independent and voluntary  non profit organization whose work involves person-to-person contact with patients who have a variety of needs during their illness. A key strength of Friends Of Leukaemia Patients Cork is the personalised delivery of help which make it unique in its role as a charitable organisation.

GOAL - ensuring that the poorest of the poor and most vulnerable in our world and those affected by humanitarian crises have access to the fundamental needs and rights of life, for example, food, water, shelter, medical attention and literacy.

GROW is a Mental Health Organisation which helps people who have suffered, or are suffering, from mental health problems. Members are helped to recover from all forms of mental breakdown, or indeed, to prevent such happening. GROW has a national network of over 130 Groups in Ireland. Its principal strength is the support members give each other from their own experience in matters to do with mental health.  GROW is a voluntary organisation with a small number of paid employees.

Headway - Headway’s mission is to bring about positive change in the lives of those affected by an acquired brain injury. We have a range of community based rehabilitation services for people affected by ABI, including rehabilitative training, day services, therapy and family support, information, outreach and employment services.

Irish Association of Suicidology - The IAS is dedicated to disseminating information about suicide and suicide prevention so that public opinion can respond to the issue in an informed manner and assure that it is not ignored by the statutory authorities dealing with health, education and the environment.

Irish Cancer Society -  the national cancer care charity dedicated to eliminating cancer and to improving the lives for those living with cancer through patient care, research and education.

Irish Deaf Society - The IDS is the national representative organisation of Deaf and hard of hearing people, serving the interest and welfare of the Deaf community. It also upholds the status of Irish Sign Language (ISL), which is the first and preferred language of Deaf people in Ireland. It provides a number of services to Deaf and hard of hearing adults, children and their families.

Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind - a national charity dedicated to providing high quality mobility training and aftercare services to blind and visually impaired people. The services, which are provided free of charge, bring mobility and independence to the lives of blind and visually impaired people all over Ireland.

Irish Heart Foundation is Ireland's only National Charity fighting to reduce death and disability from heart disease and stroke, through Advocacy, Research, Education, Information Provision and Patient Support.

Irish Hospice Foundation - a not-for-profit organisation that promotes the hospice philosophy and supports the development of hospice care. Our vision is that no one should have to face death without appropriate care and support. This includes support for families and loved ones, extending into bereavement.

Irish Motor Neurone Disease Research Foundation (IMNDRF) It is the mission of the IMNDRF to facilitate and promote ongoing research into the causes, treatment and best care solutions for those patients diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

Irish Red Cross Society - The Irish Red Cross Society offers a range of services to deal with both national and international emergencies. As a National Society within the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the Irish Red Cross has access to the largest voluntary network in the world and is also among the oldest humanitarian organisations in the world.

ISANDS is a voluntary organisation, founded in 1983 by a group of bereaved parents whose babies died before or at birth (stillbirth) or some time after birth (neonatal death).

Irish Sudden Infant Death Association (ISIDA) is a voluntary organisation that provides a variety of support and information services to families bereaved by Sudden Infant Death. These services are provided by trained staff and trained volunteers who have themselves experienced the feelings of grief, loss and isolation which follows the death of a child. 

ISPCA The aim of the ISPCA is to prevent cruelty to animals, to promote animal welfare and to pro-actively relieve animal suffering in Ireland.  The ISPCA believes that animals have the right to live their lives free from needless suffering and we aim to rescue rehabilitate and responsibly re-home animals that are subjected to cruelty or neglect.

ISPCC - The ISPCC exists to ensure that all children are given the opportunity to experience love and happiness, to stop discrimination and exclusion of children and to end cruelty and injustice to children.

Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) was founded in 1960 by a small group of wheelchair users committed to improving the lives of people with physical disabilities in Ireland. IWA has gone on to become an important provider of quality services to people with limited mobility throughout the country. Today, our association is made up of a vibrant network of 20,000 members and 2,000 staff, as well as many dedicated volunteers. Together we work to achieve greater independence, freedom and choice for people living with a disability.

Jack and Jill Childrens Foundation Ireland- helps alleviate the very distressful suffering experienced by tiny babies born with severe developmental delay until they reach the age of four years. 

Kerry Deaf Resource Centre provides a wide range of services to deaf and hard of hearing adults and children and their families in Co. Kerry. Services are provided to sign language users or to those who communicate by speech. Support is also available to adults and children with cochlear implants.

Living Links - provide outreach listening/support to persons bereaved by suicide, at their request, and free of charge. Trained volunteers are now available (in the following areas) to offer confidential, practical support and information to families who have experienced a death by suicide. At the request of the family, the Suicide Outreach Support Person can call to the home or meet at a location appointed by the family.

Make-A-Wish Ireland - our mission is to grant the wishes of children aged between 3 and 18 years living with a life-threatening medical condition to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy. A wish granted is true magic for the child providing respite from their normal routines of hospitals, doctors visits and treatment. It is our aim that every eligible child in Ireland receives their greatest wish. From the smallest village to the largest cities, if we can bring hope or joy to a child with a life threatening illness for even one moment, we feel this will have a lasting real effect on not only the child, but also on the entire family.

Meningitis Research Foundation - Is a national charity based in Dublin whose vision is “a world free from meningitis and septicaemia”. We achieve this by funding vital scientific research, raising awareness and supporting those affected.  Our Freefone 24 hour helpline 1800 41 33 44 is the first line of support for many and the gateway to more in depth help.   For further information on Meningitis Research Foundation and its services call Dublin (01) 8196931.

Meningitis Trust -  an Irish charity that offers a range of free services to people bereaved, affected or worried by the disease. Meningitis kills more children under 5 than any other infectious disease in Ireland, but, people of ANY age can contract it. The Meningitis Trust Helpline 1800 523 196 is nationwide, nurse-led and available 24 hours a day, and our services (free leaflets, counselling, one-to-one visits and home visits) are available for those who are affected.

Miscarriage Association of Ireland - a charitable body set up by, and with the support of women (and men) who themselves have been through miscarriages. We offer telephone support to bereaved parents and hold monthly group meetings.

MS Ireland - exists to help everyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis. MS Ireland is the only national organisation working solely on behalf of people living with Multiple Sclerosis and the many thousands of people who share their lives.

Muscular Dystrophy Ireland aims to provide information, advice and support to people with neuromuscular conditions and their families through a range of support services. Our objective is to promote through practical empowerment, independent living for people with the condition muscular dystrophy. MDI supports lobbying for a change in policy and services to enable people with neuromuscular conditions to fully participate in society and to live a life of their own choosing. MDI also aims to support and fund research into neuromuscular conditions.

Myasthenia Gravis Association - a charity supporting sufferers of a muscle weakening illness, Myasthenia Gravis (MG). The MG Association provides comfort and support to newly diagnosed and existing MG patients, creates public and medical awareness of the condition and funds medical research projects to find a cure.

National Suicide Bereavement Support Network - offers support and information to those bereaved by suicide of all denominations. We do this by holding information days, Seminars, training modules, and creating awareness of the tragedy of suicide and how to deal with the problems whether economic, spiritual or social that may arise.

National Suicide Research Foundation - an official research unit to contribute to the prevention of suicidal behaviour in Ireland.

One Family - Progressing the work of Cherish, established in 1972, One Family provides voice, support and action for one-parent families through membership, professional services and campaigning. Our aim is to affect positive change and achieve equality and social inclusion for all one-parent families in Ireland.

Oxfam Ireland - dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. It helps poor people to build a better future for themselves and it’s the relief agency which brings help when disaster strikes.

Peter McVerry Trust supports young homeless people, to break the cycle of homelessness and move towards independent living through the provision of a continuum of care services.

Rainbows Ireland Ltd. - helps children and adults who have been bereaved through parental death, separation or divorce, to work through the grieving process which follows any significant loss.

Rehab Group - is an independent not-for-profit organisation working for social and economic inclusion among people with disabilities and others who are marginalised. Our philosophy is based on the belief that regardless of a person's disability or social circumstances, it's ability that should determine success in life.

The RNLI is the charity that saves lives at sea. It provides a 24-hour lifeboat search and rescue service to 100 nautical miles from the coast of the RoI and UK and a seasonal lifeguard service on beaches in England and Wales. It is independent from Government and relies on volunteers, voluntary contributions and legacies.

Samaritans - available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.

Simon Community - Combating homelessness in Ireland with branches in CorkDublinDundalkGalwayThe MidlandsThe Mid WestThe North West and The South East.  All people who are homeless, or at risk of facing homelessness, are given every opportunity to realise their potential to live fulfilled lives in appropriate homes of their own.

Solas - Barnardos' counselling service for children who have lost someone close to them, like a parent or a sibling, through death.

St. Joseph's School for the Visually Impaired - the only centre of its kind for blind and partially sighted children in Ireland. Students come from all parts of the country and range in age from birth through to young adulthood. Some have additional disabilities. Reg. Charity N CHY 817.

The First Tee of Ireland - impacting the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life enhancing values through the game of golf.

Threshold - The National Housing Organisation. Bridging the Gap between Housing & Homelessness, our aim is to secure a right to housing, particularly for households experiencing the problems of poverty and exclusion. 

Trócaire is the official overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. It was set up by the Irish Catholic Bishops in 1973 to express the concern of the Irish Church for the suffering of the world's poorest and most oppressed people.

World Vision Ireland was founded in 1983 and is part of World Vision International, one of the world’s leading international relief and development agencies. World Vision works towards ending poverty, fighting hunger and injustice, and bringing about lasting change for the better in the lives of more than 100 million people in some 100 countries worldwide.